Some times we develop Android on a remote Linux machine (or WSL). We need to use adb in remote machine and connect to the local Android device.

Here is how we can achieve this:

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最后突然想到改硬件,把VirtIO改成Intel E1000,结果没想到网马上就好了。之后重新改回VirtIO也没问题。记录一下供有需要的人参考。

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If many people develop a large project (e.g. Chromium), many changes can be created all the time. If we update the code, we need to rebuild all the changed files which may take a lot of time.

Let us assume the name of the major develop branch is master. To speed up our build, we can checkout and update master branch everyday and then start a build before we get off work (or before the meal time). The build will be finished when we get back to work next morning. We can call it daily build.

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