Java Native Interface https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/jni/
If many people develop a large project (e.g. Chromium), many changes can be created all the time. If we update the code, we need to rebuild all the changed files which may take a lot of time.
Let us assume the name of the major develop branch is master
. To speed up our build, we can checkout and update master
branch everyday and then start a build before we get off work (or before the meal time). The build will be finished when we get back to work next morning. We can call it daily build
图 (Graph) 是由若干给定的顶点及连接两顶点的边所构成的图形,这种图形通常用来描述某些事物之间的某种特定关系。顶点用于代表事物,连接两顶点的边则用于表示两个事物间具有这种关系。